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Why L1 Us Immigration Visa Is The Best Alternative For Intercompany Tr…
Aundrea | 24-08-24 22:16 | 조회수 : 24


Looking at a whole range of employment visa options available to any US corporation to get immigrant talent work for them and with the new government in place with it own set of agenda around making jobs available to indigenous Americans, US corporations should look at integrating smart immigration strategies in their recruitment process.If this issue is not handled in a proper manner, a lot of US corporation would lose the opportunity of hiring great talent at a cheaper price in an economy which has always used the power of immigrated talents to create multi billion dollar businesses.

US Immigration L1 Visa - website


Out of the various employment visa options available today like H1B , L1 etc if an American corporation is aiming at using a talent who is already working with any of their offshore offices to be brought to States to be part of a major R & D work and in a work which requires specialized skills , L1 US Immigration Visa is the best available alternative. In fact this is one of the most easiest way to immigrate a talent from outside compared to the H1B process which is a long process and the chances of the application getting rejected is very high.In fact the L1 visa is also available for corporations which are not of US origin but have operations in America through a branch office. This is the best way to do inter company transfer and also the cheapest way.L1 visa is also very useful in the sense it can become a way to get a green card issued. From the perspective of the person who is getting transferred to US Immigration L1 Visa scheme can easily migrate his/her dependent family in a very easy manner which is very tough in case of other forms of employment based visas.

From the employers perspective L1 US immigration visa has two sub categories. If you are looking for bulk transfers of many employees over a sustained period of time then blanket L1 visa is the most feasible alternative available whereas in case your employee is individually applying for L1 visa he / she should opt for a regular L1 visa.L1 immigration visa is further categorized into two main categories, L1A and L1B. L1A visa is applicable if the employer is looking at transferring people at managerial levels but in case the transfer is of person who possesses specialized technical skills and need to be transferred for specific R & D work, then the employer should look at L1B visa .

The above mentioned peculiarities here are the keywords in a flat line format: Bangkok very important for HR manager to understand if they are looking hiring or transferring talents from outside US. It is always good to look for an advice from New York Immigration Attorney and build a sustainable immigration strategy well in advance and try to sync their hiring calendar with the same

If you are looking For US Immigration L1 Visa in NYC. Choose Law Offices of Prashanthi Reddy, PLLC, a best New York Immigration Attorney


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