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Get Paid for Your Opinions: Review Apps and Earn Cash Today!
Eugenia | 24-06-29 22:40 | 조회수 : 13


Get Paid for Your Opinions: Review Apps and Earn Cash Today!
1. Introduction
One of the greatest benefits to reviewing apps is that it's relatively stress-free. Even though it's paid work, there is little obligation to do it, so there's no need to worry about tight deadlines and heavy workloads. And lastly, it's a good feeling to know that the developer of the app values your feedback, and that your opinion has helped to improve something.
But why review apps? Well, the better question is why not? There are apps available to view on many different subjects, so you can find one that interests you. It's also a simple way to earn a little bit of money, with an enjoyable reward. And did I mention that you can do it on your own time, in your pajamas, from the comfort of your own bed? There's no set time to be done by, and no minimum or maximum work hours. This type of work can be done casually, without a big commitment, and is ideal for teens, students, or anyone with a busy schedule looking to make a little extra income.
Every day, thousands of apps are released into the market. Some are great, and really useful. Some never should have left the developer's basement. And some are almost there, but with a little input from you, would be so much better. So why not get paid to have your opinion heard? With little effort on your part, and virtually no experience needed, this guide will show you how to review apps and get paid for doing it.
So, you want to make a little extra cash? Or maybe just get some free stuff? Have you ever looked at something and thought "I could design a better app than that"? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then this guide is for you!
1.1 Benefits of Reviewing Apps
Apps offer opportunities for product improvement.
Users review all types of apps on a daily basis, from game apps to business apps. They are all trying to better their product. By understanding your perspective and seeing what you like and dislike in their app, this could lead to an updated version of the app. Therefore, the developers will take your advice and make changes to the current app so you can provide a better rating, thus more money for you.
You get paid simply by giving your opinion.
It's always nice to make some extra money, whether it be for a vacation, car, household item, etc. The point of making money is because you've earned it and you want to spend it on something you think you deserve. Well now, by reviewing apps, you can do just that! This is an easy, fun way to influence the development of different products and services which in turn can make a change to your everyday life. Whether the app causes you to take fewer steps to accomplish something, saves you time and/or money, or it simply entertains you, your opinion can help create something that will stick with you. And knowing that you were involved in the creation of such a type of product/service, that itself would be rewarding.
1.2 How to Get Started
There are a few steps that one must take before beginning to review apps for cash:
Get an internet connection.
This should go without saying, but you need an online connection to use the internet. A broadband connection is likely the most effective, and it will allow you to share your opinion on the web and load survey forms and new apps faster, but it isn't a necessity.
Go to websites that pay.
The next step is to find a collection of websites that allow you to review and generate promotional information for various apps in exchange for cash.
This link leads to a list of collection of sites that will pay you for writing app reviews.
Another site that pays reviewers for app reviews.
And this link offers an alternative method for making cash by reviewing apps.
Remember to be cautious, and thoroughly read the conditions and agreement for the websites that you sign up for. You must be sure that you trust the site, and that it is a legitimate way to make money.
2. Finding Apps to Review
If you've spent an extensive amount of time trying to find apps to review with little results, are willing to put forth money to buy apps, and have an interest in app quality assurance testing, you should consider signing up with app testing platforms. App testing platforms are services that place people who are willing to test apps for bugs with app developers. Generally as a mobile app tester, you will be given a specific app to test and will be asked to report any bugs or usability issues you find with the app. Although this is not strictly app reviewing, it is a good way to make an impact on app quality and to sometimes get firsthand experience with trying an app that may not yet be released to the general public. Some app testing positions are unpaid, but pay can range from little, to a decent hourly wage, to free use of an app with a fully unlocked version. If this seems like something you'd be interested in, sites to look at include uTest and MyAppAware.
App review websites are often the best places to go in search of apps to review. The websites themselves pay you to review an app, typically by providing you with a download link and having you write up a review for the app on a set location within the site. Alternatively, the site may have you write a review for an app on the iOS app store or Android market and have a link to your review in the store's app page. It's a good idea to keep track of all the app reviews you've done for various sites in a spreadsheet so you know exactly where to look to find your review and can keep track of the little bit of money or non-monetary compensation in the form of free apps many sites offer. Well known app review websites include AppCraver.
2.1 App Review Websites
App review websites are platforms where companies that produce apps go to have their apps reviewed. The reviews are excellent because the feedback is immediate, critical and professional. Rather than spending hours sending your app to individual reviewers, app review sites have their app tested and reviewed by many people at once. Most app review sites will have both a free and paid option. The benefit of a paid option is that the review will most likely be guaranteed within a time frame, rather than a free review which can take quite a while. When your app has been reviewed the site will then either list your app or provide a link to your app in the store. This is also a great way to get some initial feedback on the app to make any necessary changes. Highly rated apps are also often featured on the app review site. This can note increase the apps popularity as the more exposure an app gets, the more likely it is to achieve success.
2.2 App Testing Platforms
App testing platforms are websites and app marketplaces that connect app developers to a panel of app testers and review services. The app developers submit their apps to be thoroughly tested and reviewed, and in return the app testers are paid or given free access to the app in question. The idea is that with such close and easy access to potential users, developers can find out what real people think of their app and can discover bugs that might otherwise go unnoticed. As a result, these platforms are perfect for keen app reviewers looking to earn some extra cash. You can expect to be given a time-frame in which to produce a written review as well as answering short survey questions or check-lists in regards to the app's performance.
There are a number of app testing platforms to be found online, one of the most popular being uTest. uTest is one of the leaders in providing testing services for web, mobile and desktop applications. After signing up (which is free and takes no longer than 5-10 minutes), testers can search through the uTest software testing job database for on-demand jobs by category including functional, load, and automated testing. Alternatively there are undoubtedly plenty of app testing job listings to be found at popular online job boards such as oDesk and Elance.
2.3 Social Media Groups and Forums
They also have a couple of groups people can join: a Facebook page, a Facebook group, and a Reddit forum. On these platforms, developers and large companies will post any number of offers that include apps to download, surveys to take, beta tests to join (which are easier and more simplified tasks for greater rewards), and other offers to give more incentive and a greater opportunity to make money. It is much easier to make a great deal more money in a short amount of time with these offers. Sometimes offers are posted if they just want general feedback giving an opportunity to simply post a referral link to the app in which people can download it and review it later for the money. On the Reddit site, there is often a "sticky" post at the top of the forum with all the current offers/click events etc. which gives opportunity for more exposure to everything and therefore more money making opportunity usually.
Heck, they've even got their very own Real Cash Apps Referral Subreddit with a monthly referral contest for their users for extra incentive. Using their already developed scheme it is in the best interest of anyone in the Swagbucks and Checkpoints/Surveys community to migrate toward the real cash apps and participate in these offers. With the dedication CC had continuing through the hard times, the guidance from the elite alpha leader Nick, and the commitment from Yoolotto to stay updated and keep in touch with their community. In addition with the assistance and the extra help from this RCB team, it is safe to say that this side mission will be a success. So let's start making some easy money!
3. Writing Effective App Reviews
- Explain how you came across the application. Were you digging through the market looking for a specific type of app? Did you hear about it from a friend? Some developers are considering the best advertising methods, and knowing where their users are finding their product can be invaluable information.
- Discuss the installation process. This is the first thing that happens when a user makes the decision to download an app. Were there any problems? How much space does it take? What Android version is needed? All relevant information.
3.1 Focus on User Experience
The best reviews are those written for the end user, the people who are actually using the app. When you write your review, be sure to consider the people reading it; if your review is hard to follow or doesn't pertain to the app at hand, it could cost the developer a valuable download.
A good application review contains honest, constructive and insightful information. It tells how you perceive the application and whether it works for you. When you write a review, think about that you are telling your opinion to a friend who cares about your opinion. Here are several tips to improve your review.
3.1 Focus on User Experience
When reviewing user experience, be sure to spend a good amount of time using the app. This may sound obvious, but you'd be surprised as to how many will make quick assumptions and not fully explore different elements of the interface. Take note of loading times and the speed of the app, and look for the presence of interface "clutter" such as excessive button animations, poorly placed navigational elements, and pop-up windows with too much or too little information. Next, evaluate how easy it is to get to the different sections of the app and whether or not it is easy to go back. Sorting out the screen layouts at this point can also be helpful.
This major consideration is unfortunately often forgotten by app reviewers. User experience is all about how the app feels, how easy it is to navigate, the quality of the interface, and most importantly, whether it fulfills the intention of its own existence. To put that in more specific terms - would the user be happy with the illusion of pressing a reset button and erasing all memory of ever using the app because the experience was so terrible? If the answer is yes, then it's not a good user experience!
3.2 Highlight Pros and Cons
Pros and cons are often associated with product reviews. When writing an app review, this criteria is important. The reader wants to know what is good and bad about the app; what are its strengths and weaknesses. While you want to be polite about what you think could be improved, an honest opinion is the best opinion.
When highlighting the pros and cons of an app, the best approach is to provide a mix of both positive and negative comments. The developer and potential users want to know what the app does well and where it may fall short. Sometimes it is best to Start earning today - click here to begin reviewing apps! with the positive points. This can create a good impression of the app before the negative points are addressed. After the app's strengths have been discussed, it is time to highlight the potential weaknesses. If necessary, the comments made can be supported with suggestions for improvement. This is a constructive way of identifying the cons of the app and can benefit the developer of future releases. At the end of the review one may choose to compare the positive and negative aspects in a short summary, just to give the reader a clear judgement of the app's value.
3.3 Provide Constructive Feedback
The final method of providing constructive feedback requires a large amount of dedication, and that is to become a beta tester for the app. Sometimes the best way to give a developer feedback is to do it directly, and in efforts to improve mobile apps, direct feedback is something that is very commonly done in app development. Becoming a beta tester may give an opportunity to develop a professional relationship with the developer and also a chance to influence change in the app in its future stages.
Another method is to do some research about the app and see if there are already plans to further develop the app and its features. If you feel that the app has potential but has not quite reached it, you may want to consider revisiting the review at a later date because it may be possible that future upgrades align with the feedback you are willing to give.
To provide constructive feedback, try to write your reviews based on a comparison between the older version of the app and the current version. Explaining the upgrade of the app can give the developer a clearer understanding of what they have done right. For all points on how the app's features can be improved, try to back up all points with evidence using the app. Giving clear evidence will help developers focus on the specific parts of the app that you are talking about and are more likely to generate improvement.
When you write a review, you are evaluating the app's quality and how well it satisfies your needs. There are many people who do not realize the difference between simply stating the pros and cons and providing a constructive review. While stating pros and cons is an important tool in review writing, the main difference between simple feedback and providing constructive feedback is that constructive feedback provides an in-depth explanation on how to improve.
3.4 Formatting and Presentation Tips
Avoid long sentences, big words, complex terminology, and keep your reviews easy to scan. Have you ever considered using summarizing or lists? This approach makes your reviews easier to read and might be more suitable for mobile visitors who are short on time. A mobile phone in a fine environment can be a great place to write app reviews. It is recommended to take frequent breaks and get some fresh air, and not to write reviews when in a bad mood. Always bear in mind that your review is being read by a variety of different people, so how you may express your feelings may not be how others might interpret it. Writing reviews when upset increases the likelihood of the review becoming a flame or a rant. Always remain polite and proofread your review after writing. A well-written review can go a long way. People complimenting your review can be a great motivation to write more. The feeling of contribution, plus possible feedback from developers who read your review can be very rewarding. It is important to note that many app developers use forums to request reviews and it is not uncommon for them to give special promo codes to reviewers to get feedback. So establishing yourself as a good reviewer can have some added bonus.
4. Earning Cash from App Reviews
The most straightforward method to earn cash through mobile app reviews is to seek out paid review opportunities. There are several websites which pair service providers seeking exposure for a product with potential reviewers who are willing to provide that exposure in exchange for compensation. As these providers are specifically seeking exposure within the app market, the app review will be the most essential piece of work and customers will be strongly incentivized to produce a quality review.
Customers interested in earning money will find several different ways of doing so when it comes to reviewing mobile apps. Many of these methods are similar to earning money from a blog and logically so because a mobile app review shares many qualities with top and best free blog sites. Whether through affiliation, structured paid reviews, or by using the reviews to promote a product or service on the customer's own website, earning money through mobile app reviews is feasible for a dedicated individual. And as was the case with earning free gift cards, you will probably feel the most amount of satisfaction doing so with mobile app reviews as the money earned will be a physical and tangible reward for quality dedicated work which brought exposure to a relevant product.
4.1 Paid Review Opportunities
When it comes to mobile app reviews, the first and probably most convenient way to get involved is to sign up with any number of websites that connect app developers with app reviewers. Some websites act as a middleman providing lists of available apps for you to review, but we'll focus on the most effective method. The most effective way to get involved is to act directly with the developer. Many app developers don't understand how much testing their app can benefit and would rather it go untested. Using logic, approach a developer with a free app and pitch a review for that app. What you'll get out of it is a guided tour of the app and later on the app itself. During the review, make sure to be as thorough as possible; it is important that the developer gets enough constructive criticism to be able to further develop the app. Be sure to point out any bugs you encountered as many developers offer money bonuses for solid bug finds.
If a developer likes your app, there is the possibility of a re-hire; however, the most common method of payment is a bonus. Oftentimes, a developer will offer a $5-$15 bonus for a thorough review. On a free app, this is more than enough payment, but if the bonus seems inadequate, chances are the app itself is profitable and rated to a pay app would multiply the bonus several times. This method is simple, yet the hardest part is finding developers that are willing to give their app out for testing.
Another alternative is a slightly more profitable method of contracting. What you need to do is search for developers with app ideas and offer your services to test the app through all stages of its development. This is usually long-term work and can potentially score you a position in a testing team for future apps. With a testing team, some moderately high pay can come, but entry-level app testing positions are off of a contract basis. Working on a contract basis, you have the option of pay negotiation, but for the most part, the payment for app testing is generally $10 an hour. An hour a day for a few months adds up, and in the end, a comprehensive review at the end of the app's development can add several hundred dollars of income.
4.2 Affiliate Marketing and Referral Programs
For many involved in survey taking for cash or app review activities, affiliate marketing and referral programs can be one of the best ways to earn a decent amount of money. The earning potential can be significant due to the fact that much of it can be automated. In the case of a successful website owner with a large audience, it can mean earning thousands of dollars with little effort. In essence, an affiliate program is a partnership with an online advertiser, the site owner places advertisements on site in return for a percentage of the item sold on the site visitors purchase. The most common form of affiliate marketing is done through an online store such as Amazon, though there are companies of all kinds offering affiliate programs, including many survey and app companies. Referral programs often function very similarly to affiliate programs. The main difference is that the site owner is promoting the service itself, and is doing so by referring others to the service in return for some kind of reward, usually cash or free service.
An affiliate program will generally not suffice as a review only activity. However, many of the apps being reviewed and the money being made from them can be invested into creating a successful website or blog later on. For those that are willing to spend a fair amount of time on said activity over a long term, it can be an excellent source of residual income. The fact that there are affiliate programs out there for so many different products means that there is a place for almost any type of content to succeed. However, creating a relevant app or survey related site may be, one must have a good deal of web presence to convert traffic into sales or referrals on an affiliate program. This is an area where understanding of SEO, SEM, and general online marketing (which is often learned during app and survey promotion) can be very beneficial.
4.3 Monetizing Your Own Review Website
Some apps might not pay a lot, but successful review blogs can bring in serious revenue. Write and publish your own mobile app reviews and you can package them up into a nice app to sell to iPhone and other mobile phone users. A very simple idea is to just build a mobile web app that only contains your app reviews. You can offer this for free, or sell it on the various app stores. If your reviews are favorable, your app may get positive ratings in the app stores, which can help entice people to download the full apps you reviewed. This can be a great form of passive income. If you are successful at this, there is the potential to attract app developers to sponsor your app or even to write a review of their app to be included with your other reviews.
If you have been maintaining a blog or website for some time, combining your app reviews into your site content may prove to be more effective than running a separate app blog, because the established site will already have a following that can serve as an initial readership for the app review content. In either case, you are probably going to want to learn how to promote a mobile app to maximize the potential exposure to the app itself. This guide focuses on promoting iPhone apps, but most of the information will be relevant for Android app promotion as well.


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